Sunday, February 1, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy Superbowl!

Ty and I chose to give each other a big screen T.V. for Christmas this year. And we were wise and thought there would be sales come Superbowl Weekend, so let's wait to purchase then.

No- just kidding. We did not purposely wait til Superbowl Weekend, it just happened, but it did work to our favor! And so I present to you our new T.V. - Merry Christmas to me!

here's a close up of the beauty... all 42 LCD inches of this Toshiba. What's on you ask?? Why food network of course! The Superbowl of Wedding Cakes!
Oh but in an hour we will break in our TV with this year's superbowl- GO KURT WARNER!
SO Merry Christmas and a Happy Superbowl to you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it..... even if it is stolen HAAAAA just kidding. Julia