Tuesday, February 3, 2009

14 Days

Five years ago I was attending the Kanakuk Institute. Unlike what my brother thought, it was not an institution for mental illness... it was (and is) an institute for Biblical studies and youth ministry training. It was an amazing year, filled with Bible knowledge, growth in my relationship with the Lord, and fellowship and friendships beyond your wildest imagination. It was incredible.

We had class each day from 8-12ish. We had many other obligations too, but for now, let's focus on the class part. You see, they were trying to teach us "professionalism" as well- and so we had a dress code. It had some value, but it was a little silly as well... for example:

Dress professionally- church clothes, work attire.
No jeans.
no flip flops.
Matching warm up suits are acceptable (what?? how is this professional?)

Anyways, we ended up being silly with it.
The boys had "turtle neck Thursday" (Gross)
The girls had "warm-up Wednesday" (My Fav)

And then February 1st hit. And we went nuts. One girl came up with the bright idea of wearing pink or red every day until Valentine's Day. Most every girl did it.

And 5 years later, I'm still doing it. So for 14 days, I wear pink or red. Either a shirt, a dress, pants, or more subtle... a necklace, socks, an undershirt, or underwear (shhh...)

This past Sunday I wore a red and black dress. Yesterday I had on pink pants with a black top. today green pants and black top- but with a multi color belt (which has pink AND red) and also a pink cardigan.

So join me if you will. I guarantee you'll wear things in your closet you haven't worn in years. You may even rediscover a new favorite. And in the meantime, you'll be blessing the world with more girliness and beautiful pink-ness!

Happy 14 Days!

1 comment:

Organic Husband said...

What a fun, well-written, vignette of Kanakuk Institute life. Thanks for sharing.