Thursday, April 15, 2010

Couponing... My New Hobby

In an effort to be extra frugal this year... and due to my intrigue and love for GAMES... I've taken up couponing.

Oh it's really a full time effort. I began by reading blogs about it and emailing some friends and trying to learn how to do it. I then came up with my own game plan (realistically I cannot shop at 3-4 grocery/pharmacy stores a week) and my goals... to save $10-15 on groceries.

I then began periodically buying the Sunday paper, stealing my mother-in-law's paper (with her permission of course), reading blogs constantly, and printing online coupons.

I have developed a system of filing them. A system for figuring out my grocery list each week. A system for walking through the grocery store with my coupons and finding the best deals.

And then a system of calling my husband when leaving the store to brag about how much I have saved. I leave out the part about how much I've spent.

Now truth is... I know some people do couponing WAY better than me. I know I could save even MORE. BUT- I am happy, I have met my goals, and although it truly is a new hobby, it has not fully taken over my life. I don't think I could realistically spend MORE time on this effort. So... here are some results I'd like to share...

Albertson's Grocery Store... I saved a total of $84.32 - based on a combo of sales and coupons.
I only buy things I would normally buy. And so to save money, I'm buying them when they are on sale and I have a coupon. So sometimes we may go a week without our "normal" snack, or I may try an "off brand" of it. But that is how I'm doing it. And then when things are on sale, I stockpile 2-3 of them and know that we will eat it.
Now on to Target...
I like to purchase a LOT of bathroom supplies at once. With teaching, it's just not realistic to go to Target often for shampoo. Plus I find that every time I go, I purchase other things that are NOT on my list. So, if I can limit my shampoo trips to 3-4 times a year, then I save by just not going to the store.
And then there are the coupons...
Here is my latest....
I saved $131.82!!
isn't that incredible??
And it was totally on shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc. Things I WILL use!! Wow!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Makes Ya Feel Good

"Would I play with Mrs. Sawyer? Yes I will play with Mrs. Sawyer."
Does life get any better than that?