Tuesday, February 17, 2009

When I Woke Up...

When I went to bed last night, everything was normal. I felt fine, I was tired, nothing was wrong or out of the ordinary. Well, I was a little full (okay very full) from our all-you-can-eat crab claws dinner. But other than that, I was fine.

When I woke up, I immediately noticed my hand was hurting. Right in between my thumb and pointer finger, that patch of skin was hurting. Bad.

And I went straight to the bathroom, turned on the bright lights, and there it was, a splinter.

And it hurt.

Now, I'm not a total wimp. I'm exaggerating a little bit. But the point is... I felt it immediately when I woke up. I knew I had something in my skin. And it definitely wasn't there when I went to bed.

And we don't have a headboard.

So... where did this splinter come from?
Did I sleep walk? That's all I can think of. I must have.
Or, did my husband wake up and put a splinter in my hand?? no, that can't be it, he's too sweet.

I don't know how it happened. I've had splinters before, but I've never gotten one while sleeping. This is a first. It's also a mystery.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

um, i am cracking up at your mystery item. stop getting night splinters. miss you!