Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 Things About Me

I only wrote this up for Facebook because 5,302 people tagged me to do it. It's an okay list. If I had taken more time, it could have been funnier. Maybe I'll make it funnier later. But here it is for now.

1. I like to exagerate for effect. (please see the first sentence in this note)

2. I am obsessed with chocolate- although I'm trying to limit myself to 1 dessert a week since my metabolism is slowing down.

3. I am married to a man who is way out of my league- but I love him and am soooo thankful for him!

4. Kanakuk Kamps has played a ginormous role in my life- I was a kamper there, I was a counselor there, I met most of my closest friends there, I met my husband there, I grew closer
to the Lord there.

5. I hunger to read the Bible daily- without time with the Lord, I am just plain mean.

6. I used to paint my finger nails and toe nails every day. In college, I started painting them once a week. I absolutely love having my nails painted. Unfortunately, I only get to it once a month or so now, I need to fix that soon.

7. I don't love watching tv, but I find myself doing it all the time!

8. I like folding clothes, but I hate putting them away.

9. I moved every year for 7 years and lived in 7 apartments.

10. I HATE taking out the trash. I think due to the fact that in apartments I had to walk it to a dumpster.

11. I love soccer and cheerleading. I cheered in college and absolutely love it! Now I'm playing on a soccer team- which is hilarous.

12. I used to get so bored running and now have run 2 half - marathons, so I guess I'm a runner.

13. I never read a book in high school or college- I always read the cliff notes. But now I love reading and always have a book going.

14. I lived in Quito, Ecuador for a semester. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, and by far one of the best times of my life.

15. Last year I became an official certified scuba diver. Definitely one of the coolest things to do.

16. I've always wanted to be a wedding planner. And after planning my own wedding, I've decided I really would love that job (and might actually be good at it). but I dont' like the thought of working on weekends... so I haven't pursued that career yet.

17. One year I cleaned houses for a living. Too bad I don't always keep my own home clean.

18. I have a terrible habit of setting my stuff- purse, bags, coat, sunglasses, whatever- down right when I walk in the front door. And I never move it. Until Saturday, I always move it on Saturday.

19. I love to keep things for sentimental value, but I hate clutter. When I get in the right mood, I throw a lot away, but it takes awhile to get to that point.

20. I am obsessive about organization. Almost OCD about it. And if I can't organize something the right way, then I leave it totally messy until I can. Sometimes my organizational systems are too complex and take too long to keep up with... this is not good.

21. I am a "piler." I pile things on my desk until I can get to them to file them correctly (see #20). Last week it took 2 hours to get to the bottom of my desk. My husband saw it and said "oh, the desk is brown, didn't know that."

22. I used to drink Dr. Pepper daily. I decided to give it up for soccer season my senior year of high school and have never had a soda since.

23. I used to love ice cream and chocolate milk. Somewhere along the lines, I became a big of a "lac-tard" and now have to drink soy milk or take lactaid.

24. I am addicted to "The Office." My husband and I talk about the characters as if they are our friends. We know everything that they have said or done. It borders on pathetic. Also a big fan of 24 and American Idol.

25. Jesus Christ is my Savior. Without Him, I was a different person. With Him, I am becoming the person He wants me to be.

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