Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I've Been Tagged....

I was tagged by no worries WYNN in love, so here's some more fun info about me...

Step 1: respond and rework—answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.
Step 2: tag—eight other untagged people.

Make a list of things you can see without getting up: in my classroom so: photos of my class from last year, photos of my favorite teacher friends, photo of my husband, Ecuadorian weaving, lamp, calendar, lesson plan book, water bottle

Favorite football team: Dallas Cowboys (trying to impress my hubby here)

What are you wearing now? brown pants, cream and red floral short sleeve button down, brown flats (school clothes, plus something red for my 14 days)

What color is your bedroom? an ugly pale (very pale) cream. we haven't painted it yet since purchasing the home. Hubby likes the neutral colors, I don't mind the neutrals, as long as they are pretty- this one is not my favorite. at all.

What’s the last thing you read/are currently reading? Just finished the 2nd book in the triology of The Courtship of Nellie Fisher. Need to find the 3rd and see how it ends.

Do you nap a lot? When I worked for a church and was up super early and worked super super hard on Sunday mornings, I used to say Sunday afternoons were made for napping. I couldn't function without that nap. Now, I never nap. I never have time. Plus I like to go to bed early (since I get up before the sun does) and so I don't nap so that I'll be tired at bedtime.

Who was the last person you hugged? Ty. This morning, saying good bye before he headed to the airport.

What’s your current obsession/addiction? I am totally and utterly obssessed with The Office. I think they are real. I want to work there. Oh, plus I always am obssessed with chocolate.

What was the last thing you said aloud? Call me when you land. I love you.

What Web sites do you always visit when you go online? Facebook, yahoo mail, blogspot dashboard, and that's about it. If the news doesn't make it to one of those places, I don't know about it, and I'm fine with living in my bubble.

What was the last thing you bought? grocerys. (boring)

What are you listening to right now? kids in the art room next door

What is something you wish you could do more? travel, lay at the beach (actually I'd rather just live at the beach more than I do, which right now is never), fix up my home - but that requires time and money. hmm..

What gives you hope? The Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior. And reading the end of the Bible and knowing that one day, all will be perfect in Heaven for those who believe.

What is your favorite weather, and why? I love all weather - but only for a bit.
Summer weather: I could take this anytime! To go to the beach, to read a book, to enjoy the sun.
Rain: I love to curl up on the couch for this and watch a movie or take a nap
Snow: Love to sit by a fire, drink hot chocolate and look out the window at how beautiful the fresh, pure snow looks
Spring time: Love to enjoy the fresh air, go on walks, work in the yard and never feel too hot or too cold
Fall time: love the crispness in the air and the changing colors of the trees and long walks and football games
But... I love them all because they change. I do get tired of lots of cold or too much summer heat, so I love the variety most.

What time do you usually get up? 5:45 am. This is not my favorite part of my job, but I am learning to be okay with it.

What is your most challenging goal right now? self control with eating. I'm really trying to stay fit and get back to my "wedding weight"- but I'm having a very hard time eating less (like no snacks or smaller snacks or healthy snacks) and I do not want to stop eating dessert.

Say something to the person who tagged you: Thanks for the tag! I'm happy you thought of me, makes me feel like I am really getting connected in this bloggy word :)

If you could have a house–totally paid for, fully furnished–anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? Somewhere on a beach, near good scuba diving, definitely.

Favorite vacation spot? Well... this is tough. I've always said Disney World is my favorite because it truly is the happiest place on earth. But I do love the beach so very much- and that is actually where we always go for vacation- so a beach. any beach, I'm not picky.

What is your favorite children’s book? This is sad, I'm a teacher, I read lots of kids books, and I don't have a favorite. I could lie and say I did, but I don't. I could also tell you what I loved growing up, but I don't really remember. A few years ago, I read the Chronicles of Narnia and loved them! But I dont' know what age group they are for, but can those count?

Name one thing you just can’t resist no matter how bad it is for you: Chocolate brownies or chocolate chip cookies.

If you could meet anyone famous - dead or alive - who would it be? Jesus. or maybe Paul. Or Daniel. Or Esther. Someone from the Bible. I have lots of questions that are not answered.

Have you ever met anyone famous? If so who? I think so. But I don't know. I'm not really excited about famous people. I've met some professional athletes, especially soccer ones. I don't know, boring answer.

If you could have any job in the world , what would it be? a wedding planner. or a photographer.

Who is your hero? my grandma

I am tagging:
C and C Baby Factory
Five Crazy Matchells
My Journey Toward the Glamorous Life of a Housewife
Sarah Garner
Plainly Jane
The Shoemake Family
Jill the Thrill
Thrilla in Manila

Sorry if you've already been tagged. Don't feel pressured to do this :)


Unknown said...

Oooh, I forgot to mention that since Episode 1, Josh has thought that Jim and Ty are one and the same personality. =) Even now, everytime Jim speaks up, Josh says, "That's sooo Ty!"

Anonymous said...

They really are one IN the same... they look totally alike... and they have so some of the same expressions and mannerisms... except Jim is super sarcastic, and we all know Ty is never, ever sarcastic...
