Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vibrant View

One of my most favorite spring time moments is right after it rains. When the sun comes back out. When the trees are so wet they are dark dark brown, almost black. when the new leaves are so new they are a vibrant lime green. and when it all happens at the same time, the freshness, the view,

And every once in awhile, I will just glance out the windows in my backyard and see a take your breath away view. I love it.

I tried to capture the moment for you. But a few things happened...

1. my digital camera is just a point and shoot. doesn't take the most amazing photographic pictures, but it does basically capture good color.

2. American Idol was on, and I paused it. But my DVR has been wacky since the electrician came last week, and so the DVR froze and I missed Kris Allen singing. So I quit taking pictures.

3. I tried to be like Pioneer Woman and take photos with great bokeh. And I did discover ways to manually alter my f-stop and manually focus the photo. This basically resulted in blurry pictures and completely missing Kris Allen.

So here are the best of the pictures I came up with. Do try to use your imagination and pretend they are excellent pictures. And next time, when it is finished raining, just take a moment to go and notice the trees- dark and bright - all at the same time.

(this one shows the real darkness- but doesn't get the greatness of the greens. of course I dont' use photoshop or anything- so just imagine.) by the way- this is the straight out view that I get as I pass by the back window.

This last picture is me trying to focus on just part of the leaves. I also adjusted the lighting some how on the camera- coming up with wonderful greens, but not so dark darks- so just put the top and bottom pictures together in your head. okay?

what's your favorite spring time moment??

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