Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The first day back from a long break I always let the kids share 1 thing they did over the break. It gives them a chance to tell the story, I get to learn more about each student, and then we get to have regular class without the many interruptions of "guess what I did over spring break..."

So today I had a 1st grade class back for the 1st time. They are adorable- their stories crack me up. I normally limit this "sharing" activity to about 10-15 minutes. But I was feeling pretty laid back today, so we just talked basically the whole class long.

anyways, there are these 2 precious little girls. they look nothing alike, but for some reason I always have to think extra hard about who is who- I think they sat next to each other at the beginning of the year and I've just never fully learned their names.

So I called Dana by the wrong name. I called her Lauren. But Lauren had just talked, so obviously she wasn't Lauren. I quickly corrected my self and then said "Uh, where's my brain?"

Loudly from the back, a boy stood up and said, "IN YOUR HEAD."

To which someone else added, "Behind your forehead."

Duh. Why didn't I think of that? Kids just don't get sarcasm do they?

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I bet you are the best little teacher. It seems like you have found your exact calling in life. I love reading about your teaching adventures. :)