Tuesday, March 24, 2009

new title

Okay- well I did find my keys and ID (that safe place I put them in... was a side pocket of a purse, which I failed to check in my frantic search yesterday morning). However, I once again forgot my camera to upload pictures... so no cool posts today. You'll just have to hold your horses until tomorrow.

So I thought I'd mention that I came up with a new title for my blog. I decided that while many of the posts are about "The Sawyer Family"- there are many that have nothing to do with sweet hubby at all. So, I changed it.

I realized that I post a lot about funny stories, decorating, recipes, weekend happenings, etc. Basically things that make me happy, or happy memories. Whichever way you want to look at it. So I developed a new title that better fits the content of the blog. So I don' t know how that works if you're a follower- does it just automatically keep you updated? Do you have to re-set now? i don't know. I am sorry for that confusion. I have nothing more to say for today. I'm off to teach Spanish.

The end.

1 comment:

Sarah W. said...

I subscribe via google reader, and this post came up with no problem. It still reads "The Sawyer Family", but I know it has changed to a Daily Dose of Joy.
Which is so fitting to you. You are one of the most joyful people I know. And I love reading your blog to keep up with your life!!!!