Monday, March 23, 2009

Back to the Grind

well, I'm back in school today. I can tell it's the first day back for many reasons...

1. I'm tired and 5:45 came WAY too early.

2. the kids all have MANY stories to tell... there is not much teaching taking place

3. I arrived at school with out my school ID or classroom keys. Where they are, nobody knows. I am certain I put them in a safe place over spring break so that I would not lose them. Worked well.

4. I'm hungry. I seem to always be hungry at school. NOT because I'm pregnant... I am NOT pregnant- not even close. But somehow my facebook statuses about food lead people to post things about pregnancy on my facebook wall. SO for clarification- I think I get hungry at school because I eat breakfast so early and dinner so late. And also because I have nothing else to think about in the down times. So there. no pregnant comments. please.

Finally, I do have many things to post about...
birthdays, a recipe, house updates...
but I forgot my camera (along with my keys). So I don't have pictures today and so I won't be posting anything interesting today.

In fact, quit reading, this is boring. i'm going to eat. because it's lunch time.

1 comment:

Joann said...

LOL! You are too cute.