Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Morning View

Now that it's dark in the mornings. Not just dark, but super super dark, like black outside in the mornings. I am thankful for my morning view. Nope, it's not out a window. It's just the view in my kitchen, in fact it is my kitchen. So, join me as I show you my morning view. You can find me in this little breakfast nook of my kitchen from 6:15ish - 6:45 every morning.

I sit at this table while I drink my coffee, eat my Clif bar, read my Bible, and pray. Currently I'm studying Beth Moore's Esther- it is wonderful, I highly reccommend it.

Anyways- here's my table... (I sit at the chair on the left)
These barstools were the 1 thing my husband was super super excited to register for back in our "registering" days. We didn't have a bar or a bar table, but he found the barstools and said "let's get these. I like them." So we did. Then we had to find a table. And we did. And I use it daily.

The cross wall is so fun- I stare at it constantly!! Most of the crosses were gifts or items I picked up on our trips. They bring special people and places to mind. And they are a constant reminder of my Savior. The frame idea came from seeing someone put 1 cross in a frame and I thought "that would improve my whole wall!" So I began collecting frames with no glass or back from garage sales- paid only a dollar or 2 for each one. They were ugly, but I was looking for textures. I painted them all black, and I love them!

Next we have the other wall of the nook... 3 larger crosses hang there. And then my mom bought me this little table at Christmas from Hobby Lobby. I love displaying my cookbooks and changing out a holiday plate. Sometimes there are flowers on the table, other times there is a fruit bowl. I love having an easy place to change things out.

another view of the perfectly fit table.
close up of my cookbook collection. I didn't mean to collect these, but people just give them to me. I dont' really use most of them. I tend to re-cook the same things over and over and over and... you get the point.

I am LOVING this new Easter plate!! Guess what??? They are PLASTIC! Yep, plastic! From Target. Go get them! They will bring you joy and happiness! Okay, at least they'll make you smile.

I bought a big bunch of yellow daisies at Sam's for $4... I have them spread out all over the house, they scream "Spring is here!!" Of course, as I type this, it's pouring rain and about 40 degrees outside. But spring was here when I purchased them. At least, spring is in my kitchen.
Oh- and the adorable little pitcher holding these flowers... that's from London. I bought it at the market. I bargained for it. My brother says I'm a terrible bargainer, he has no idea. I am awesome and it was a deal. But I don't remember how much. And I do really collect pitchers, I have lots of them. Maybe I'll show you all of them sometime.

And finally... the reason I asked for this table to begin with... was to hold the.... phone. That's right. The table holds so many things, but I really just wanted a place off of the countertop to place the phone. So, here it is.

And that... is my morning view. See you tomorrow right here at 6:15 (it'll be dark outside).

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