Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Let there be... TV!!

For our birthdays this year, my father-in-law decided to have all the electrical stuff re-done at our home. super sweet gift!! (very expensive and very necessary)

So yesterday morning, an electrician showed up. He was a bit on the older more experienced side. But the older part means that he worked pretty slow. Anyways, he had to turn off all the electricity to the house as he put in a new circuit breaker twice the size of our original.

(This new breaker means we can build the additions we've been planning and also that the lights won't flicker in the house when the washing machine runs. Good news all around.)

Well, Mr. Old Guy did a great job yesterday, worked from 9:00 to 4:10 nonstop, but was not finished. He told me, "I didn't get the washer and dryer on, but everything else is ready to go. I'll be back in the morning."

Great! And with that, he left. I sat down to eat a snack and flip on the tv (after a long day of shopping!!) But wait... the tv would not come on!! oh no! So I jumped up and switched on the lights in the room, no lights. Then I ran around the house trying all the lights. Turns out the front half of our home had no electricity (not just the washer and dryer).

That meant no TV and no computer. This would have been fine, but no electricity meant that our DVR was not recording, and Monday nights is 24 nights!! And you just can't miss a week of 24.

So I immediately called Ty and said "we need to go somewhere for 24, your parents (they don't like the show), or a friend's or a hotel or just miss it." Ty said "I'll call you back."

When he did call back... the news was "we have a hotel room. It'll be a mini-vacay" (only Ty would never say vacay because he hates when people shorten words like that. On the other hand, I LOVE to do it.)

So I quickly packed a bag and met him at the hotel for a mini vacay. We worked out, ordered room service, and most importantly watched 24!!

I'm home now and everything works perfectly!! (and much safer). And speaking of working... I have some laundry in the washing machine, but I almost forgot because the lights weren't flickering!


Anonymous said...

Hello! :)

Sarah W. said...

Oh my gosh, Brett HATES when people abbreviate like that. He claims only women do it. That is hilarious Ty hates it too.
What a fun mini vacay!!!

Happy birthday! I forgot that your birthdays are so close!!!