Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So today I had jury duty. I won't go into a long bit complaining about it, you all know the drill. And honestly, I wouldn't mind it if it had been during the summer. But getting a class ready for a sub is a big deal- and the work that comes after a sub is a bigger deal.

But anyways, I digress. Here's my good kinder story...

I gave my class a big speech Monday afternoon about having a sub and what that would be like. But they are in kindergarten. So I decided to email their parents too. I emailed them all, told them I had jury duty and asked for them to please remind their children that Mrs. R would be taking care of them all day and to be good.

One mom from my class is a prosecutor here in town, so I was really hoping to end up in her courtroom- I was certain that would mean a quick dismissal. Unfortunately that did not happen.

I did see her today though, and this is what she told me happened last night at her dinner table:

Student "Mom, tomorrow we are going to have a sub."
Mom "I know. Mrs. Sawyer told me. She is actually going to be at mommy's work."
student (in tears now) "Mom, are you going to put Mrs. Sawyer in jail? I don't want her to go to jail!!"
mom "no, she is not going to jail."
Student "Dad, is she telling the truth??"

Oh I love my kinders!! And boy do they love me!! turns out this sweet little one only knows that mommy's job is "to put people in jail." So I understand how she could think I would be going to jail if I was at mommy's work.

I can tell you one person who will be happy to see me at school tomorrow!
(and the 2nd most excited about me going back tomorrow is my courageous sub! Thank you!!)

1 comment:

Sarah W. said...

That is awesome!! I am SO glad you did not go to jail :).