Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Through the Eyes of a Four Year Old

NOTE: this post is an observation about how kids learn... NOT a statement of any type. Simply an observation...

We write books every day. The books started as just scribble, they turned into drawings with a story, and lately some of the kids are working on writing words. They usually have to ask me to spell something and then they copy the letters that I write.

So this sweet boy, who is super smart, had gotten into making non-fiction books as he learns different topics... -colors, - flowers, -shapes, - 5 senses, etc.

But this was the book he showed me today...
and he explained, "there is black skin."

"And there is this color skin. And that is all the skin that everybody has." The end.

Just telling it like he sees it. Not a racial statement, just what he sees in class and he wanted to write about it. A fact of life. I love the simplicity of childhood, oh how I wish we could all just say "well, that's what we have. there you go. the end."

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