Monday, April 4, 2011

I am breaking the rule of my blog and posting something that is NOT joyful - but I will do my best to turn "lemons into lemonade." So this morning at 4:45 I was awoken by thunder. On Saturday the framers tied in our two roof lines- the old with the new. But then the roofers canceled last minute (actually an hour LATE) and so we didn't get the roof made "water resistant." There was a 30% chance of rain for Sunday night, so I just started praying. So needless to say when I heard the thunder, i jumped up. I ran through the house flipping on lights and looking for leaks. I found a leak. A leak is an understatement. I found a waterfall. A LOT of them! Ty woke up because of all the lights coming up and quickly joined me. We started grabbing everything we could to catch the water and sop it up. Let me just say, at 4:45 your brain doesn't work too well. I realize in the picture we have very small cups- it was EARLY! We added in trashcans, vases, pots and soup pots, pitchers, and blenders. I mean literally anything we could find! As they filled, I would hold a small cup to the leak while Ty would go and empty the container. We did this for TWO HOURS! In the lulls of the storm I managed to make coffee, pack lunch, and go shower. I had to get to school. Eventually I took off and left Ty to fight the battle alone. He did a great job! He dried the towels in the drier, emptied and washed the containers when the storm ended and wiped up the ceilings, walls, and floors. Oh the dry wall is ruined- it started bubbling after an hour. Ty's dad says the ceiling is fixable- which is great because it's the original 1938 ceiling and I love it! So how is this joyful?? 2 ways... 1. normally under those windows we have 3 small FULL book cases. Knowing that they are going remove those windows and fill it in with drywall this week, we went ahead and moved everything on Saturday! Praise God! Our books and photos are FINE!! 2. Ty and I made a GREAT team!! Even at 4:45 and without any coffee in me- we just worked perfectly together and did not argue at all! I love him!! And that is my daily dose of joy ... now only if I could get some more cofffe in me... i am so tired!!

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