Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Gas Situation

While that title sounds embarrasing and personal... it's not... tricked ya!

But I do have a gas situation. You see, our gas meter was in our garage. That's bad. We wanted it moved. That's expensive. Unless there is a gas leak, then the gas company moves it for free. We had a gas leak in the meter. They fixed it.

Yesterday they came and put the meter outside of the garage. (It's big and ugly now, we need a bush quickly.) However, it was our job to hire a plumber to move the connecting tubes from the house to the new outdoor meter. We did that.

Then they tested it with some pressure test thing. And here is the situation... our gas lines could not hold the 3 pounds of pressure... we have a leak. or two. or three.

So the plumber climbed up into our attic. He looked for leaks (I don't know how he did this, by smelling? by some machine? who knows.) He found two. He fixed them. The pipes still don't hold the pressure. This means there is another leak. But he gave up and left.

So, we don't have gas. Which means we don't have a stove. Or an oven. Or hot water. Or heat.
Oh, and did I mention that channel 8 weather has predicted today and tomorrow to be the worst ice storm EVER in Dallas? Oh yeah, perfect timing for no heat.

So, last night we packed up and headed to the in-laws house. We slept in warm beds. We took hot showers. All while our little home froze to death. I left the faucets "trickling" in hopes that the pipes wouldn't freeze and bust. Wouldn't that just top my week off.

And today, my father-in-law is climbing back into our attic to find the leak himself. Then he is going to call the plumber and tell him where it is and fix it! And hopefully it will be fixed.

but then the gas can't be turned back on until an official city inspector comes out and inspects it. And when will that happen? I have no idea.

And that is my gas situation.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I am SO sorry - that sounds like such a pain! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Oh, and your letter is B! Enjoy playing :)