Friday, July 10, 2009

USS North Carolina

We went to Wilmington, NC back in June... and I figure that a late post is better than never, right? Tomorrow I'll share pictures of the beach and family that we visited. But today we focus on the USS North Carolina. it's a battleship. from World War II.

I lived in Wilmington for 5 years and never visited the battleship. It sits on the river in downtown Wilmington. I'd seen it, just never gone. When Ty found out that I had NEVER gone in 5 years he said, "Well, that's the difference between you and me. I would have gone my first weekend in Wilmington."

So this year we went. It is NOT air conditioned. It is HOT. I'm so glad that I showered right before going. That was a smart idea.

Here it is... (it is pretty) (and big)

Here's a plane that sits on top of it. It was important for some reason, but we went back in June. So I forget. Sorry.
This was my favorite part... looking out over downtown Wilmington. How quaint. How cute. How wonderful is this town? Oh! See that light blue building to the left of the picture? That is my all time favorite restaurant. well, WAS my all time favorite restaurant. It closed down last year. I am still in mourning. I don't want to talk about it.

Artsy me. I should have posted this on the 4th. So pretend it's the 4th of July when you look at this. Happy 4th of July!!

Thanks for pretending with me.
SO I was in AWE of how this battleship was both a battleship and a floating city. I mean seriously- it was NOT luxurious, but it had ALL the amenities you could possibly need. This is a bit of a stretch, but it kinda reminded me of a cruise ship- just because a cruise ship has EVERYTHING on it. Of course this one up's a cruise ship because this can also battle. big time.

There was a post office, a laundry mat, ironing place, dentist, doctor, operating room, communication center, ice cream shop, game areas, lounge areas, stores, soda shop, dining halls, lots of kitchens, barber shop, and then there was this...

Yep - that caught my attention!! And look at this mixer! Imagine the dough you could make in here. HUGE

Since Ty loves me taking his picture, I had to sneak attack from the back. But the point of this shot was to show that you had to step over every door way (and Ty had to duck too). This was done so that if one room flooded, the water would stay in that one room. (well provided that it was a low flood). very smart. very smart. I wonder if that ever happened? I didn't learn about that on the tour.

Sometimes the floors were these grates. I don't' know why, maybe for air circulation, maybe for communication. Anyways, sometimes there were lots of levels of grates on top of each other. And then you were supposed to walk across it. Now, I'm the kinda girl who walks AROUND the grates on the streets or side walks. I do NOT step on them. EVER. And here I was on a hugemongous boat, with skinny walk ways, and only 1 way to go, and I had to STEP on these grates. Oh man, it was terrifying. And I was dizzy looking down. and I just needed you to know that.

Oh one of the many dining halls. (reminds me of school lunches)

once again Ty did NOT want this picture taken. But I wanted him in it for the scale. Do you see that this kitchenaid mixer is as tall as my 6 foot 2 husband?? It is HUGE!! (and no I don't know if the brand is really kitchenaid, but it is in my world, okay?)
I have no clue what this picture really was except that it says St. Louis on it. And I'm from St. Louis, so I liked it. Thank you very much.

oh the very sad sleeping barracks. 4 levels high. flimsy mattresses. burning hot. I do not think I would have slept well there.

And then there was this... this was posted on the drinking fountains. who watches The Office?? because Dwight stands next to the water cooler one day and says, "So, what's the scuttlebutt?" and this made me laugh so hard to see it on a battleship.

And finally... me shooting the big guns. Yep, I'm a real hero. a really tough gal. (especially in flip flops with my adorable purse next to me)
well... that's the USS North Carolina. I hope you enjoyed your tour. Your tour was about 15 minutes long (as compared to our 3 hour tour). Your tour was air conditioned (as compared to our NOT air conditioned tour). And we basically learned all the same things. Bake shop, big mixers, sad beds, scuttlebutt, and lots of big guns.
The end.


Sarah W. said...

First things first: you have talked about your adorable purse twice now without a post dedicated to it. I, for one, would like to hear more about it. Because I love all things purses.

The other thing is you are so cute! You write like you talk, which I enjoy!

And, lastly, I love that the mixers were the highlight of the tour :).

SplendidlyImperfect said...

I don't walk on grates either. My husband thinks it's silly. I would have totally been freaking out!

I agree with the prev. poster - post about that adorable purse! :)