Thursday, July 9, 2009

Smith and Hawken

Just found out today that Smith and Hawken is going out of business. You can no longer order their adorable (and normally over priced) garden and out door stuff through the catalogue or online. Nope. You have to go to a store. I'm lucky enough to have one near me. So on my lunch break today... wait. what am I talking about? I'm on summer break. I don't have a lunch break. So on HUBBY's lunch break today, we went to Smith and Hawken and purchased a couple of things. (pictures to come soon).

So far everything is marked down 20-30%. But the store is definitely closing, so stay tuned because the savings are bound to go up!! Also- Targets have a Smith and Hawken aisle, I haven't checked it out yet, but I'm sure that stuff will go on sale too.

Happy Shopping!

1 comment:

Brandi Tooker said...

Hey! I don't have your email address...but email me if Kevin & I can bring anything tomorrow evening. Looking forward to it!