Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Tree

Our Christmas Tree...
We did not have a great place for the tree this year (due to the new leather chair)... so we got a really small skinny tree. So small that I (5 foot me) can put the star on the top without standing on a chair. That is a first ;)
So the tree is right by the front door.
It is full of lights, beads, poinsettias, and all of our favorite ornaments.
It's so small and wimpy that my normal star topper wouldn't work- I'd put it on and the limb would bend over and the star would fall right off.
So I found the new LIGHTWEIGHT star at Marshalls. I like it just fine. and this year is all about change for my decorations anyways.

There really isn't room to put presents under the tree since it's kind-of in the walkway... but I noticed I have a lot of cool Christmas boxes... so I picked my favorites and tucked them under the tree so it wouldn't be totally bare down there.

Apparently I didn't get many pictures of the tree... but I did take some close ups of my favorite ornaments. well, some of them...
We got this one when we purchased our first home...
I got this one when I lived in Branson... I was in a Bible study about Daniel and a sweet lady made these for everyone in the study (all 80 of us)... it is a picture of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego in the firey furnace with Jesus- dancing around. I love it.
I got this cute pink one the year I did my first 2 half marathons (hence the 13.1)
We like to get an ornament on every trip we go on. We got this last spring break in Clearwater.
These are my flip flops--- from my college town of Wilmington, NC. They are super special to me. If I remember correctly (and my memory is actually really bad), I think all of my college friends have a pair of these. and I think Jen-E bought them for us. is that true? somebody please help me.
We got this in NYC this past fall! I LOVE IT! A yellow taxi completes my tree!

Well- that's it. I guess the pictures of the tree were kind-of a let down and shouldn't have been the "culminating" post of my Christmas decorations. Oh well. Live and learn.

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