Monday, January 23, 2012

Changing Names

Good Morning and Happy Monday!!

I've been getting lots of random readers and viewers from google searches due to our home addition posts.  which is awesome! I'm hoping those posts are helpful to others!

But- I've been thinking about security and privacy.... so I've decided to change the web address for my blog in order to take our names out of the link.

So- starting February 1st, the blog address will be

When I make the change, if you type in, you will find a screen that says "the blog was removed."  Please remember, the blog wasn't actually removed, simply the address changed to "My Daily Dose of"

Thanks for following me!
Happy Reading

1 comment:

Sarah W. said...

I have been trying to go to your new site, but it's not working....of course, you may just be behind (as I constantly am)...but just in case, I wanted to check!!