Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In the Spirit of Santa Fe

Megan is such an "event planner." Her wedding did not even have a real rehearsal dinner. In fact there was no rehearsal at all. The night before the wedding they had a dinner called

In the Spirit of Santa Fe
She instructed everyone (via the "attire card") to dress in bright colors. And when we arrived at the home of the party it all made since.
Here is the dinner setting...
Isn't that awesome?? All of the different colored tables! Now imagine all the brightly dressed people sitting there! Megan doesn't think of dinner and just see food! (like me) She sees a vision!! And it was fun to be a part of!

I love the simplicity of the centerpieces on the boldly colored tablecothes.
This cute wreath was hung somewhere at every event.In a very "Non-Kelley" moment, I did NOT take pictures of the food. Probably because we were sitting with 8 strangers. But we ate food "in the spirit of Santa Fe"- chicken and veggie enchiladas, rice, beans, salad, veggies. It was yummy. dessert was passed around on a platter at each table- some sort of cookie ball. not sure what it was called. i ate two. Ty ate one.
There were some speeches. That's Megan and Roy and Roy's brother. But the lighting was bad, so I didn't take other pictures.

This dinner was at a home that Roy recently built with the intentions of selling. But it was perfect timing. The beautiful home was complete, and the wedding was about to take place. So they let some family members stay at the house throughout the week and then hosted the party here. Now I believe this gorgeous adobe home is on the market.
Here's the outdoor kitchen.
the outdoor fireplace (kinda looks like the alamo!)
an awesome gate. not a great picture.
The view of Santa Fe from the balcony.

Ty and I - in our bright colors!! red and hot pink!!

Tomorrow... wedding details!! (finally)


Unknown said...

How fun! I can't wait for the next post!! =)

Household Executive said...

That top looks cute and all I can see is the top of it. :)

Dandy said...

I just died when you said outdoor kitchen, that is awesome!