Thursday, October 15, 2009

The REAL Mrs. Sawyer

So I've been fighting a nasty cold for a couple of weeks. It moved down into my chest and it was becoming quite hard to breath. So I finally took a sick day and went to the Dr. (I'm feeling MUCH better now.)

My mother-in-law was sweet enough to volunteer to be my substitute for the day. Of course, she is named "Mrs. Sawyer" as well. Here's what happened...

First thing we start out at Calendar Time and we all sit in a circle on the floor. Well my mother-in-law pulled up a chair to the circle.

Jacob yells out, "The REAL Mrs. Sawyer sits on the floor with us."
Daniel blurts out, "yeah, but SHE's too OLD to sit on the floor."

Needless to say, my mother-in-law pushed the chair away and sat on the floor.

then it took 3 kids to help her get back up :)

tomorrow I'm taking a day off to go visit my dad for a special recognition ceremony. And my mother-in-law will be subbing again. I'm certain there will be more good stories :)


Dandy said...

Yes, the REAL Mrs. Sawyer. Kids crack me up, you must have a whole arsenal of stories!

Brandi Tooker said...

Love it!! Good story!