Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thoughts on the Election... from my students

Here's a conglomeration of some of the things my kiddos have said about the election- before, during, and after.


student- Who did you vote for?

Me - Either Obama or McCain

Student- which one?

Me- I don't remember

Student - YOU DON'T???!!!


Is Mr. Obama a Christian? Because Alfred's mom says he's not. (names changed)


What does Republican and Democrat mean?

(I explained they are two groups who think basically the same as each other, but different from each other)

another kid followed with "Democrats take care of poor people"


Obama won with 290 votes. (try explaining the electoral college to kids, I don't even fully get it yet- I mean why do we do it anyways?)


My Personal Favorite

Back in October I was handing out a paper to do, it was a little challenging. One kid took the paper and looked at me and said "I'm probably moving to Europe next month so do I need to do this?"

I said, "Why are you moving to Europe? Your dad just got a job here."

He responded, "Well, if McCain wins, we're moving to Europe."

I told him he needed to do his paper.

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