Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Things I Never Thought I'd Say

I have a student who has to wear pull-ups for nap time because he wets his pants while he sleeps. He doesn't love wearing the pull-up at school, but it has become necessary.

He also asks to go to the bathroom MULTIPLE times during the 1 1/2 hour nap. So today we had a talk about...

He said, "The pull up makes me need to pee."
I responded, "no, the pull up helps keep your pants dry. Pull-ups don't make you pee."
To which he said, "Well it scratches my wee-wee."
And here's where I found myself saying, "Well, you can move it around until it's comfortable, just reach in there and move it."

Wow. encouraging a male to "adjust himself." Something I NEVER thought I'd do!! Ha!


Household Executive said...

Literally LOL

Anonymous said...


Sarah W. said...

This literally made me laugh out loud. HILARIOUS!!! Luke is actually laughing beside me. Its that funny.

Gotta love teaching preschool!!