Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Lately I have not blogged. I have done many things worthy of blogging. I have taken lots of great pictures with intentions of blogging. But I have not blogged.

In the last 2 and 1/2 weeks I have become a full time Pre-kindergarten teacher. I have helped out with 7 wet pants, 2 poopy pants, and 3 pukers. I have cleaned up countless spills, put kids in 1000s of time outs, made a few kids cry, told some kids to stop crying, emailed and called parents, planned out 1 million and 3 activities per day, and then fallen asleep.

Nope, not true either. I have gone home to clean, do laundry, grocery shop, pick up prescriptions, make dinner, pack my lunch, and love my husband.

but I have not blogged.
I have spent a lot of time reading God's word. And even more time praying- praying for many things- but mostly patience and love for these kids.

I'm glad that in making choices, I have chosen to take breaks from blogging (even though it is something I greatly enjoy) and NOT taken any breaks from God's word.

I have taken a break from working out. And I'm trying to stop that. I ran yesterday for 19 minutes and 32 seconds. Not very long. But longer than any day last week! Maybe I'll run again today. and maybe not. I'm really tired today- and when I'm tired- I'm grumpy. and When I'm grumpy- I feel bad for my students.

I am rambling. But at least I'm blogging something. I promise I have lots of fun things to share.

I will share soon.

1 comment:

Household Executive said...

love this post! i can hear you saying it in my head. :)