Friday, November 13, 2009


Thursday morning at school chapel, my life was forever changed. I have new goals to set. Thanks to this man...
Orville Rogers
Yes- this man is 90 years old in the picture. And he is setting a world record. After he turned 90, he set the world record for fastest mile and fastest half mile for his age group- beating previous records by 30 seconds or more.
Here is accepting one of his world records. WOW!
And while his running records are quite impressive (he has 10 gold medals and has entered into only 10 races). His life story is even more impressive.
We watched a news clip from a couple of years ago when he first set the records and then he stood up and told his story in a very strong voice.

Here are some goals I now have, thanks to Orville:
~ read the Bible all the way through more than 40 times (He is currently on read through # 46. He reads the whole thing every single year.)
~ be a missionary
~ be married for a very long long long time (His only wife passed away just 2 weeks before his first race after a lifetime together.)
~ be healthy in eating and exercise for the rest of my life
~ be a member of a church body for half of a decade (He has been attending the same church for 53 years - can you imagine the impact he has on that congregation? his years of faithfulness and loyalty to the Lord and his community)
~ be so successful in my endeavors that people are motivated, yet so humble that people are drawn to me (I have a long way to go on BOTH parts of this goal)
At the end of the video, the little girl sitting next to me looked up at me and with a very confused look on her face said, "Mrs. Sawyer, are your eyes wet?"
Yes, Mr. Rogers just changed my life and my goals, my eyes were wet.

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