Sunday, June 21, 2009

Joe Clarke Soccer Camps

I have a GREAT dad! He has taught me many many things in life! One of my favorite "inherited traits" is his ability to make everything into a game! Waiting for your food at a restaurant or standing in line somewhere, any thing at any time can be fun when dad is with you. Life is just not boring. We don't have time for boring because we are always playing games!

I have also become known for this at times. In fact, I was with my college friends last week and they still love to say to me, "ok, here's the game!" - that was my token phrase throughout college. Sometimes they just call me "Joe Clarke." I like it.

Good ole dad- dancing it up at our wedding. I think I also learned my dancing skills from him. That's not really a good thing- for either of us. Or for those who have to watch.
In Santa Barbara last Christmas, not only was it cold outside and had been raining for days, but the ocean was just over freezing. I mean it was probably 35 degrees or something. But Joe Clarke was not content to just "see" the ocean. No. He had to experience it. So he ran around barefoot while I took his picture.

Even sitting on the floor opening Christmas gifts becomes a game. "Let's see who is most flexible!" "Let's see who can sit like this and put their knees on the floor!" (My 18 year old step sister won. Old age has not yet taken affect on her bones.)

And finally some normal pictures of good ole dad! Grilling and bonding with my sweet hubby.

Dad and I in Santa Barbara.

I love you Dad!

1 comment:

rambling said...

WOW, did this ever put a smile on my face. What a gift. Thank you Kelley for the kind words. Now here is the game, if you read Kelley's blog and want to win when you play, then post a similar note or blog to your mother, father or both. I promise you they will have a bounce in their step and want to show everybody your comments. It feels real good.

Love you Kelley