Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Giveaway - free header

Okay- so I just like entering giveaways. and when I find out I can have more chances if I write about them, I write about them.

This one is for a free blog header, which if you're reading my blog, you'll notice I need one. So, if you want to enter, go right ahead. Go to A Southern Accent - it looks like a cute blog, I'm a new reader (I got hooked by the giveaway).

Adios- I'm off to Panera and Bride Wars (hubby is gone for the night, obviously)

1 comment:

Old Beach Bungalow said...

Hey- Thanks for your comment on my blog! So cool that your mom paints stuff for sale at Ivy Cottage! I love that place. I was excited to see your post about the header giveaway--The Southern Accent was a neat find. Thanks! Wanted to tell you also that in case you don't win a free banner, you can take any picture and make one at That's how I made mine. Super Easy.
