Friday night we got in late and relaxed with family. Dad had picked up our completed wedding album- so we spent time looking at that. It turned out amazing!! As we were looking, we came across one of my favorite pictures, but Ty's absolute least favorite!! A picture of us looking at each other with my veil up over both of our heads. Love it!! He announced he hated it more than anything!! About 5 minutes later, we look up and Ty says "Oh- you have that veil picture- blown up and FRAMED on the wall!" Dad and Cindy laughed hilariously!!
Saturday we tried to sleep in, but couldn't. Ty and I went to the gym- and I needed to run 6 miles- unfortunately we didn't bring enough money for the guest pass - and the very unkind worker man made us go home to get $3 more. So, I ended up having time for 5 miles. Oh well. Blisters still not healed- but thanks to school nurse, I now am wearing Band-aids Blister Ampoulles and they are amazing!!
Ok- so we head out to the game, thinking "it's not too bad out here." but after standing around during warm ups for about 10 minutes, Ty and I hit the car for extra coats.
Here's Ty in what we like to call "Dad's coaching coat." Yes- it is full length.

Dayna is very excited about the game! Ty is still trying to hide from the cold.
Here I am. Ok- now I don't really like the show South Park- but I think I look like the guy in the red jacket who you can never really see his face.
Of course- we think this is the coldest we've ever been. Then there's Dad- not even phased by the weather. His measly jacket seems to be enough.

As I was watching the game, I was reminded of how beautiful Wash U's campus is- here's a picture of a brand new building- I have no idea what is studied in there- but something for smart people. All of the buildings look like that.
This is the athletic complex- who would ever guess that there are gyms and sweaty people inside. OH and it's the home of the Presidential/VP debates.

After half time- we got smart and went and sat in the press box. That little box above Ty's head is a heater. That's right- there was a heated room all along and we froze to death.

In the 2nd overtime (yes the game was extra extra long) we won!! yay!!!

The team jumped on each other- great ending to a great season.

After half time- we got smart and went and sat in the press box. That little box above Ty's head is a heater. That's right- there was a heated room all along and we froze to death.

In the 2nd overtime (yes the game was extra extra long) we won!! yay!!!

The team jumped on each other- great ending to a great season.
Saturday night was spent at Maggiano's for yummy Italian food. I ate a delicious special- whole wheat penne pasta with olive oil, sun dried tomatoes, chicken, peppers, green onions, spinach, and broccoli. Delish!!
We hung out with the fam- slept awesome and late.
Sunday morning- went to church with the fam- at the church we got married in - first time back since the big day. Then ate some yummy BLT's for lunch (for me, substitute mayo for hummus and add avocado) headed to the airport and came home to WARM Dallas.
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