Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cramping Up

Today in the middle of reading group, a little boy blurts out, "Oh man, this cramp hurts!"

I was a little surprised thinking "why is his cramping? we're not running or exercising."

So I asked, "What hurts?"

In a voice that said "duh, why don't you know this" he answered, "MY PRIVATES!"

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The One

Today in Bible time, I was teaching about King Solomon. We talked first about how he obeyed God and had a real heart for God in his early years. But then later in life, Solomon's little sins began to add up until he was very far from God... and part of those sins was having 700 wives. The kids were SHOCKED at this- they also thought it was GROSS! And one boy yelled out, "That's TOO much kissing." Fortunately nobody heard him.

So I decided to make sure they understood that God says we are only to be married to ONE person at a time. And that's exactly what I said...

"God has ONE person for each of us."

Immediately, a little boy yelled out, "WHO?"

I informed him, I had no idea... but God already knew. He was fine with that answer.

I thought it was quite humorous though.. he's in kindergarten and already wants to know WHO it will be!! Oh man, does he have a lot of years of waiting to figure that one out!